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The Autographs
The Johnson's Island Autograph Book Of Lt. Samuel Dibble

Note: I have posted the autographs in the order in which they appear in the book and (with minor editorial exceptions that do not affect the substance of the autograph) in the manner in which they appear. I have numbered each autograph in parentheses.

Some names and words are difficult to read. However, I have done independent research to help me understand some autographs, and I have used this research to make educated guesses as to some words. I have marked words about which I am not sure with question marks, and I have replaced words which are completely illegible with asterisks ("*****").

(1) Samuel Dibble
2nd Lieutenant Edisto Rifles
Eutaw Regiment, 25th S.C.V.

(2) Wm. N.R. Beall
Brig: Genl: P.A.C.S.
Little Rock Ark
Captured - Port Hudson La. July 9th/63

(3) Beall Hempstead
Capt & AA Genl
Staff Brig. Genl. Beall
Captured Port Hudson La.
July 9th 1863
Address Little Rock Ark

(4) W.B. Shelby
Col 39th Missi Vols
Captured at Port Hudson July 9th 1863
Address Brandon Missi

(5) Jno R Fellows
Capt and A Insp Genl
Staff Brig Genl Beall
Captured Port Hudson La July 9th 1863
Address Camden Ark

(6) T.A. Ross(?)
Capt & Ord. Off
Staff Brig Gen Beall
Port Gibson Miss
Port Hudson July 9th 1863

(7) WK Bennett
Major & *****
Bealls Brigade
Captured at Port Hudson La July 9 1863
Address Brownsville Tennessee

(8) I.R. Trimble of Maryland
Maj Genl. P.A.C.S.
Johnson's Island
January(?) 24th 1864

(9) Robt. H. Goldsborough of Maryland
A.D.C. Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart

(10) I.G.W. Steedman
Col 1st Regt -- Ala Vols
***** Wilcox County Ala

(11) Jack Brown
Col 59th Ga Reg
***** Georgia
Cap'd at Gettysburg July 4th 1863

(12) M. Jeff Thompson
Brig Genl M.S.G.
St. Joseph Missouri
Johnson's Island ***** 1st 1864

(13) D. Howard Smith
Col. 5th Ky. Cavalry
Morgans Confed. Cav.
Georgetown Kentucky
Captured at Meigs County, Ohio
July 19th 1864

(14) ***** Kelly
Lieut 1st Mo Cav *****
St Joseph Mo

(15) John A Blair
Maj 2nd Miss
Davis Brig
***** Miss

(16) *****
1st Lieut. *****
****** Virginia

(17) J J Archer(?)
Brig. Genl. P.A.C.S.

(18) J.R. Jones
Brig Genl
Jackson Division
Harrisonburg Va

(19) William H. Payne
Lt. Col. 4 Virginia Cavalry
***** Lees(?) Brigade
Warrenton Virginia

(20) NJ George
Lt Col 1st Tennessee Infr
Lincoln County Tennessee

(21) C.(?) A Howard
Capt 14th Tenn Cav C.S.A.
Address Newbern Tenn

(22) James L.(?) Parker
Lt. Col. 1st Miss.
Lgt. Artly. Regmt

(23) JW Frazer
Brig Genl P.A.C.S.
Memphis Tenn.

(24) C.W. Frazer
Capt. & ***** P.A.C.S.
***** 5th Confed. Infy
Memphis Tenn.

(25) Rush Van Leer
Capt & Chief Eng Gen Frazer Brig C.S.A.
Nashville Tenn

(26) Hamilton Wilkins(?)
2nd Lieut C.S. Artillery *****
Atlanta Georgia

(27) Thos O'Connor
Lieut Kain's Arty
Knoxville Tenn

(28) J.P.(?) Mason *****
Burnesville N.C.

(29) R.H. Harrison Capt Co E
9th Tenn Vol
Address Harrisons Store Tenn

(30) R.G. Howard
Capt. Co. 'I' 21st S.C.V.
Florence S.C.

(31) T.A. Sanders
2nd Lt. Co "A"
2nd S.C. Cavalry
Darlington S.C.

(32) Joseph Kinsey
2nd Lieut Co. E.
61st Regt. N.C.I.
Pink Hill N.C.

(33) R. Clifford Cotten
2nd Lieut Co D 61st Reg N.C.I.
Hadleys Mills Chatham Co N.C

(34) Jas.(?) Thos *****
Lt. Balto. Lt. Arly
Residence Balto City Md

(35) James R. Herbert
Lt. Col 1st Md. Infy C.S.A.
Wounded & Captured at Gettysburg
of Baltimore

(36) J.F. Sessions
Capt. Co. K. 18 Miss. Reg. A.N.V.(?)
Lexington Holmes Co Miss.
***** Steamer New York Oct. 13th 1864

(37) J Ravenel Macbeth
Capt. 1st SC Arty.
Charleston, SC.

(38) John R.P. Fox Capt. Co I
1st Regt SC Cavalry
St. Georges PO

(39) A.P. Craig
Lt. Co "E" 21st S.C.V.
Chesterfield ***** S.C.

(40) Jno. P. Jones
Little Rock, Arks.

(41) Spencer R.(?) Thorpe
Lieut. Co. "A" 2nd Ky. *****
Morgan's Division
Bardstown Ky

(42) Walter Browne
Capt Arizona Rovers
Minihaha(?) Blue Prairie(?)
Arizona Territory.

(43) Richard N. Melton Capt
& EO(?) Officer of Searcy County Ark

(44) M(?) Gilmor(?)
***** Co B 2nd Md. Bat(?)
Baltimore City Maryland

(45) J.M. Woodward
1st Lieut Co 'G' 21st SCV
Darlington So. Ca.

(46) John W Hawley
***** Lieut Co D 18th Ark
Regt Address Pine Bluff Ark

(47) "Asa Hartz"
Geo. McKnight
Maj. & A.A.G.
Long's(?) Div.

(48) *****
Fayetteville Tenn

(49) William A. Carter Capt &
***** Master 48 Va Regt
Address Rye Cove Scott County Va

(50) Frank A. *****
Capt (CSA) ***** Tenn Cav(?)
Baltimore Md

(51) M.B. Wood Capt
Commanding Co E Second Tenn Cal
Mcminville(?) Tenn

(52) RH Fennell
2nd Lt Co "H"
24th S.C.V.
Chester S.C

(53) Virgil S. Lusk
Capt Co., A 5th N.C. Cav.,
Asheville, N.C.

(54) Walter Bullock
2nd Lieut P.A.C.S.
Williamsboro N.C.
Captured ***** July 28th 1864

(55) James Anderson
Capt. Co. D
35th Va. Cavalry
Rockville, Montg. Co., Maryland

(56) M. Kitzmiller 1st Lieut
Co (E) 60th reg Tenn Inft
Boons Creek Washington Co Tenn

(57) John S. Walker
Lt Col 12th Ark Vol(?) Inf.
Centre Point Ark
Captured at Pt Hudson La
July 9th 1863

(58) E.S.M. LeBreton
Lt Col. 4th Regt La. *****
Vol.(?) aid to chief of ***** at P. Hudson.

(59) Oswald Tilghman
Lieut ***** "Rock City Arty." C.S.A.
captured at Port Hudson La
P.O.(?) Oxford Talbot Co Md

(60) Wm. D. Nicholas(?)
Capt Co 'E' 8th Ky Cav
Morgan's Comd(?)
Address Winchester Kentucky

(61) R.B. Barton
Lt Dobbins Regt Arks Cav
Address Memphis Tenn

(62) S.A. Hyman(?)
Lt Co F(?) ***** Regt NC
Hamilton NC

(63) Edwin L. Vaughan
Lt. Col. 10th Arks Regt
Address Quitman Ark
Captured Port Hudson July 9th 1863

(64) W.H.(?) Vaughan
Capt. 10th Arks
Address, Quitman Ark

(65) ***** Simpson(?)
Capt & *****
Address New Orleans La

(66) Thomas Perry
Lieut Co A 7th Va Infy
Home Alexandria Virginia

(67) T.B. Hooker Lieut.
23rd Ark Regt
Residence ***** Ark

(68) Jno. C. Ward(?)
Capt. 11th Va Infty.
Lynchburg Va

(69) E**** C. Wilson
Capt. 15th Arks Regmt
Address Camden Ouachita Co Arkansas

(70) Wm. H(?) Rowan
Capt 3 Ky Batt Cav
Captured near Shelbyville Tenn
October 8 1863
Address Bardstown Kentucky

(71) T.J. Julian
Lieut Co: A. 18. Ark
Address Branchville Ark

(72) Wm N.(?) Tucker 1st Lieut.
Co. "C" 1st Regt. Fla. Inf.
Monticello Fla.

(73) Matt.(?) A. Hale(?)
1st Lt. 1st Ala. Battl. Infr.
Montgomery Ala

(74) W.N.(?) Cowden
1st Lt. Tenn. Batt. Cavl
Lewisburg Tenn

(75) NW Moore Capt
Co B 62 Regt NC Troops
Fort Hembree
Clay Cou NC

(76) Julian Mitchell
Major CS
***** Brigade
Charleston SC
Captured near Gettysburg.

(77) Very truly Yrs.
Capt. Co. "D" Eutaw
25th S.C.V.
Marion C.H. So. Ca.

(78) Jas. O'Neill(?)
Capt Miles Legion
Natchez Miss

(79) WH Bennett Lieut
Co "F" 9th Tenn
Residence Hartsville Tenn

(80) Jas. S. Wilson(?)
Lt Co B 65 Ga Rgt
Bairdstown Ga

(81) Wm. C. Hagan
Capt. & A.**.S.
Christiansburg Va.

(82) Lambert C. Neill
Capt Co E 62 Regt. N.C. *****
Davidsons River N.C.

(83) I am ***** very respectfully,
Isaac R. Hicks
Lt & Aid to Brig Genl Cox
Captd Chickamauga, Ga
Address Paris Tennessee

(84) CL(?) Bennett
Capt Wards Regt Gen Morgans Cavl
Hartsville Tenn

(85) S.T. Sparrow, Lt.
66th N.C. Reg't.
Address Middleton, N.C.

(86) W.J. Porter
Lt. 61st Ala Regt
Greenville Butler Co. Ala.

(87) Frank Battle
Capt Wheeler's Scouts
Residence Nashville Tenn
Captured Wilson Co Tenn July 29th 1863

(88) Jesse ***** Beck
1st Lieut Co (*****)
8th Ten Cav
Address Gainesboro Tennessee

(89) Maj. ***** D.C. Lloyd
Brig Gen Jackson Staff
***** Tenn
Captured Chickamauga Sept 19th 1863
Address Selma Ala.

(90) T.E. Richardson
***** 47th Ten *****
Dyersburg Tenn

(91) Hugh ***** 1st Lt Co (D)
Shavers Regt Ark Infantry
Address Smithville Lawrence Co Ark

(92) James W. Spratley
Major & ***** P.A.C.S.
***** Chief ***** Port Hudson La
Address Camden Ala

(93) A.T.(?) Donaldson
Co D. 23rd Tenn Regt
Address ***** Tennessee

(94) Tho. M. Blaydes(?)
1st Lt Comp. A, 1st Ky Cav.
Dover Mason Co Ky
Capt Near Farmington Tenn Oct 7th 1863

(95) ***** Lumpkin(?)
Capt Co "B" 28th Reg Ala Infy
New Berne(?) Ala

(96) N.H.(?) Wheary
Capt Co. B. Woods Batt.
Address Petersburg Va

(97) Henry E. *****
1st Lt 8th Ark.
Captd Chickamauga 19th Sept 1863.
Address Covington Ky.

(98) Thos. A. Davis
Telegh(?) Confss(?)
Gordonsville Va

(99) JJ McClure 2 Lt 62 NC Regt
Capt Cumberland Sept 10 1863
Hays *****

(100) J.W. Petty
10th Missouri Cavalry
Carthage Mo.

(101) Wm. P. Atkins
Lt. Cl ***** 5th Ark Regt
Captured Sept 20th 1863 Chickamauga, Ga
Address Gainesville Ark

(102) C.S. Henagan
Maj 36th Ala Regt
Captured ***** Ridge Nov 25 63
Address Gainesville Ala

(103) James P(?) Byrne
2nd Lt 17th Tenn Regt
Address Byrne Co. Tenn

(104) J.G. Heyward
Lt 1st S.C. Artillery
Address Charleston S.C.

(105) Very Respectfully
Jas. P. Sloan
Lieut Co "F" 14th S.C. Vols
Captured at Gettysburg Penn
Address -- Clinton P.O. Laurens District S.C.

(106) James *****
Lieut in Maj TA (?) ***** Command
Nashville Tenn

(107) W.N. Coffin
Capt. Arty. C.S.A.
Captured at Port Hudson, La. July 9, '63.

(108) Frank Foster Jr
Maj. 4th Battl Ala Cav
Memphis Tenn

(109) RA(?) Brown
Lt & *** Officer
Siege Port Hudson
Address New Orleans La

(110) Anderson Merchant(?)
Major C.S.A.
Captured at Port Hudson La. July 9 1863.
Address Mobile, Ala.

(111) Geo. W.(?) Woolfolk(?)
Cal C.S.A.
Paducah Kentucky

(112) T. Friend Willson
A.A. Genl to Maj Genl Frank Gardner
Captd Port Hudson July 9th 1863

(113) ***** C *****
Maj 17 Tenn Regt
Lewisburg Ten

(114) P. Lynch Lee Lieut Col
15th Ark Regt Inf'
Residence Camden Ark
(Port Hudson)

(115) ***** McMillan
Lieut Co "K" 24th Miss Regt
Residence Aberdeen Miss

(116) Geo. W. McDonald
Capt. 17th Tenn Regt.
Address Granville Tenn.

(117) J ***** Webb Lt 19th La Infty
Home ***** Louisiana

(118) WH(?) Witty
Capt 30th Miss
Home Lodi Choctaw Miss

(119) W Ray Capt Co K 30th Miss. Regt
Carrollton Miss
Captured on Lookout Mountain Nov 24 1863

(120) J.G. Gibbs Capt. Co I 30th Miss
Captured Chickamauga Sept 20th/63
Address Grenada Miss

(121) JR McCann(?) Major 15 Reg Tenn Cav
Captured near Nashville Aug 19th 1863
Address Nashville Tenn

(122) Thos B Sheridan Major C.S.A
St. Louis Mo
Captured at Little Rock Arks Sept 10th 1863

(123) Horace M. Houston
1st Lieut Co. F 4th Confed Tenn Rgt
Captured Chickamauga Ga 19th Sept 1863
Address Natural Bridge Va

(124) William J Robinson Capt Co. D 10th Tenn Cav
Address Franklin Tenn

(125) Chas. M. ***** Capt. & A.C.S. McNair Brig.
Captured at Chickamauga
Address Washington Arks.

(126) M.P. Marbury
Lieut. Co. D 17th Tennessee Regt
Captured Chickamauga Sept 19th 1863
Address Tullahoma Tenn

(127) Hugh Kirkman
Capt. & A.A.G. Roddy Cav Brig
Address Florence Ala

(128) JC Tipps
1st Lieut Comp E/17 Tenn Regt
Capt Chickamauga Ga Sept the 19/63
Address Winchester Tenn

(129) Edward B. Sayers
Capt. & Chief Engineer Polks Corps. ***** Tenn.
Captured at Chickamauga Ga. Sept. 19th 1863
St. Louis, Mo.

(130) J.R Gathright(?)
Capt C.S.A
Louisville Ky

(131) Emory(?) Dabney
1st Lt Engineers C.S.A
Raymond Missi
Capt'd at Port Hudson La.

(132) Will W Gillespie
Capt Co K 2nd Regt Tenn Cav
Address Maryville Tenn
Captured Huntsville Ala

(133) JR Boyles Lt
Co "C" 12th Regt S.C.V's
Ridgeway S.C
Captd at Gettysburg July 5th 1863

(134) JA Hinnat
Capt Co C 12th SC Regt
Winnsboro So Ca
Captured at Gettysburg July 5th/63

(135) Jno ***** McDonald
Capt ***** Mo Cav & *****
Captured Little Rock Ark Sept 10th 1863
Address Hannibal Mo

(136) JA Duggan Lt Co B. 10th S.C.V.
Williamston N.C.

(137) J.H.(?) Bowen Capt Co K Hampton Legion S.C.V.
Arnolds Mills SC

(138) Johnsons Island Feb 4th 1864
CA Parkins Capt Co B 16th SC Vols
Greenville(?) CH SC

(139) Wm U Hunt Lt Com (K) 16th S.C Vol
Greenville C.H. S.C.

(140) B.F. Shaprton
Lieut Co "J" 7th So Ca Regt
Add Coldspring(?) PO So Ca

(141) H.A. Carrington
Lt Col 18th Va Inftry
Picketts Divn A.N.V.
Address Charlotte CH Va

(142) Jas. F. Crocker
***** 9th Va Regt
Portsmouth Va
Would that all battles were as bloodless as those we have lost & won
[NOTE: the "we" in this passage is underlined]

(143) John Taylor, Lieut. Co "B" Cavalry
Holcombe Legion S.C.V.
Address Columbia So. Ca.

(144) Jno. S.(?) Reid
Capt Co "B" 3rd Ga Regt.
Address Eatonton, Ga.

(145) James E. Poindexter
Capt Co "H" 38th Va Regt
Pittsylvania Co. Ho. Va

(146) H.L. Carter
1st Lt. 53 Va Reg
Captured at Gettysburg July 3d 63(?)
Address Chatham Va

(147) Rich. Ferguson(?)
Adjt 18th Va Regiment Army Northern Virginia
"Gettysburg" July 3rd 1863
Address Crimea P.O. Dinwiddie Co Va

(148) Jno A Graves
Lt. Col. 47 N.C.I.
Address Yancyville N.C.

(149) B.L. Farinholt
Capt. Co: "E" 53 Regt. Va. Vols.
Armistead's Brig. Pickett's Divs. A.N.V.
"Gettysburg" July 3rd 1863
Address Barhamsville New Kent County Virginia

(150) John "O" Zeigler
1st Lt. Co" B ***** ***** Ala Cav.
Address Perote Ala

(151) John M(?) Berrill(?)
Lt 8 Ky Cavl Morgans Div
Springfield Ky

(152) Charles H Hasker
Lieut C.S. Navy
Petersburg Virginia

(153) DW Shannon
Lt Col 5 Tex Cav
Grimes Co Texas

(154) N.H. Palmer
1st Lt Co (C) 7th S.C. Regt
Abbeville C.H. S.C.

(155) J.A. Derrick 1st Lieut.
Co "I" S.C. Regt.
Countsville P.O. Lexington Dist S.C.

(156) J.C. Clemson Lt. C.S.A.
Pendleton Anderson Dist So Ca

(157) William C Coker
Capt 8th S.C. Regt
Society Hill S.C.

(158) Tho(?) S(?) *****
Col 43(?) NC Inf Daniel's Brigade
Kernersville(?) N.C.

(159) John B(?) Harris
Capt Co "D" 3rd Batt. S.C. Infy
Address Calhouns Mills SC

(160) Paul Waterman
1st Lieut & Adj. 12th La Battln Arty
New Orleans, La
Surrendered at Port Hudson July 9th 1863

(161) Jno A. Greene(?)
Lt(?) 9th Miss Inf
Capd at Port Hudson La July 9th 1863
Address Jackson Miss

(162) S.D.(?) Steedman
Lt & Adjt 1st Regt Ala Vols
Steedman's PO SC

(163) J.D. Charles 1st Lt Co *****
Orrs Regt Rifles S.C.V.
Grove Station Greenville Dist S.C.

(164) David Provence
Col. 16th Ark Infty
P.O. Strothers S.C.

(165) N.K. Sullivan
1st Lt Co "C" Orrs Regt Rifles
McGowans Brigade SCV
Address Anderson CH So Ca

(166) S.L.(?) Leaphart
Capt. Co "A" 2nd S.C. Regt
Columbia, S.C.

(167) E.F. O'Neill
2nd Lieut Rhetts S.C. Battery
Gainesville, Alachua Co, Fla

(168) J.F. Banks
1st Lieut. Comp. J(?) 13th S.C. Regt.
Wounded on the 1st and captured 5th July '63
Address: Frog Level P.O. Newberry Dist. So. Ca.

(169) Jno. Dewberry
Lt. Co. "E" 13th Regt S.C.V.
Captured at Gettysburg Pa.
Address Damascus Spartanburg Dist S.C.

(170) W.M. Gunnels Lieut.
3rd Batt. S.C. Inft.
Laurensville S.C.
Captured at Gettysburg Pa

(171) T.*****.H. Douglas
Lieut Fitz Lee's *****
Chester So Ca

(172) Lt. A.T. Goodwyn
58th Ala. Reg.
Montgomery, Ala.

(173) C.H. Jonas
Capt & ***** P.A.C.S.
New Orleans La
Captured at Port Hudson July 9/63
12th Arks Regt

(174) J.H. Crawford
2nd Lieut. Orrs Regt. Rifles
McGowans Brigade S.C.V.
Due West S.C.

(175) T.J.(?) Hall
2nd Lieut Orrs Regt Rifles
Bounty Land Pickens District S.C.

(176) P.H.B. Shuler
1st Lt Co "A" 2nd S.C. Regt
Columbia SC

(177) Asa A Barr
2nd Lieut Co A 1st Tennessee
Smithville Tenn

(178) Jno W Henagan
Col 8th Regt SCV
Bennettsville So Ca

(179) S. Gillespie Godfrey
1st Lt. 8th S.C. Regt
Cheraw S.C.

(180) William E. James
1st Lt. Co. F 8th S.C. Regt.
Darlington S.C.
Captured near Winchester(?) Va Sept 13th 1864

(181) A.F. Jordan
2nd Lt Co H(?) 14th(?) SCV
Address Aiken Barnwell Dist S.C.

(182) W.T. Rogers
***** 2nd Lt. Co. "K" 8th S.C.R.
Brownsville(?) S.C.

(183) C.(?)E. McPherson
2nd Lt. Co. "H" 8th S.C.V.
Florence S.C.

(184) RT Powell
Capt Co B 8th SCV
Chesterfield C.H. S.C.

(185) Jno. J. Rouse
1st Lt Company A 8th S.C.V.
Florence So. Ca.

(186) William Odum Capt Co A. 8th S.C.R.
Darlington C.H. S.C.

(187) J.T. Rhodes
2nd Lt. Co. F 8th S.C.V.
Darlington S.C.

(188) J.T. Goodson
2nd Lt. Co. A 8th S.C.V.
Darlington S.C.

(189) D Sellers
1st Lt Co B 8th SCV
Chesterfield C.H. SC

(190) PA Moore
2 Lt Co. B 8 SCV
Chesterfield CH

(191) John C. Shaw
2 Lt Co B 19th S.C.V.

(192) Lt. JJ(?) Bennett
***** PO(?) Oregon(?) CO Mo(?)
***** *****

(193) Wm E De'Moss
Col 10th Regt
"Forrest" Tenn Cavalry Army Tenn
Home Nashville Tenn

(194) B. Weir Thomas
Lieut 1st Ky Reg of Cavalry
Williams Brigade Hills Corps
Address Taylorsville Kentucky

(195) John C. McCauley Major 7th Ark Inft
Govan's Brigade
Cleburn's Division
Hardee's Corps A.T.
***** Searcy White Co Ark

(196) William W. Martin Capt
Co. A 10th Ark Infantry
Trans-Miss Dep't
Address Quitman Van Buren County Ark

(197) Jas. B. Clark
Lieut. Co "K" 18th Miss. Inf.
Barksdales Brigade A.N.V.
Jackson, Hinds County Miss.

(198) Jno. D. Traynor
1st Lt. 2nd Tenn. Cav.
Cleveland Tenn.

(199) Tho. B. Gleason Lieut
Co. "B" 3rd Va Infantry
Portsmouth Virginia
Richmond Va
No ***** Main Street
Care of Wm Sears Wood Esq.

(200) WR Miles
Col Miles Legion
New Orleans La

(201) J.M. Huffman
Lt. Col. 3(?) Ky Cav. Reg.
John H. Morgans Comm.
Address Plano, Texas

(202) ***** *****
Lieut of Wauls Tex Legion
Address Vine Grove Washington County Texas

(203) ***** *****
Waul's Texas Legion

(204) H.I. Bird Capt. Co. "K" ***** S.C. Vols
Kershaws Brigade
Address Ivy(?) Island Edgefield Dist SC

(205) John K. Jones
Capt Co E, 3rd Va Cav A.N.Va.
Nottoway C.H. Virginia
Captured June 17th/63.

(206) Henry Shaw
2nd Lieut 10th S.C. Regt.
Marion C.H. S.C.

(207) J.T.(?) Scott Lieut 20 Tenn Cavalry
Captured Lindon Tenn May the 12th 1863
Address Austin Arks
Oct the 12th 1864

(208) James Lahey 1st Lieut
1st Tenn Batt Art(?)
Captured Port Hudson Lou
Address Nashville Tenn

(209) J.C. Clements
Lt. Co. "B" 21st S.C.
Address Lydias(?) S.C.

(210) Lieut Jas W Gardner
7th SC Battalion
Tillers Ferry SC

(211) Frank Williams
1st Lt Co "F" 13th(?) N.C. Infy
Mocksville N.C.

(212) Solomon Spears
1st Lt 8th Ky Cavalry Morgans Comd
Address Paris Ky

(213) Louis N Simmons
Lieut 8th N.C. Infy
Carrituck C.H. N. Ca.

(214) KB Foster
Lieut 10th Ark Regt
Clinton Ark

(215) T.C.(?) Miller
Lt. 53rd N.C.I.(?)
Address Elksville Wilkes County N.C.

(216) AW Muckenfuss
2nd Lieut Company B 27th S.C.V.
Charleston SC

(217) HW Hendricks
2nd Lieut Co C 27 Regt SCV
Charleston So Ca

(218) WP Elliott
Major & C.S. C.S.A.
Staff of Brig Genl Jno H Morgan
Knoxville Tennessee

(219) A.K. Jones Captain
Co "K" 12th Miss. Inf.
Port Gibson Miss

(220) RE Connor
1st Lt & Adj Jeff Davis Legion Cvy
Natchez Miss

(221) Jas H Wilson Lt. Col. Ark. M.D. Inf.
Address Jacksonport Ark